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5 pillars

Corporate Social Contribution (CSC).

KORINDO Group has been operating in Indonesia for 50 years and has made many efforts to build a sustainable society in various fields through its Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) programs. These efforts are in line with the company’s philosophy of building harmonious, beneficial and sustainable relationships between the community and stakeholders in order to achieve progress and prosperity. Our CSC activities focus on strategic, systematic, and sustainable programs through the 5 pillars of the main program:

Products for Learning

01 Education.

We recognize that quality human resource development is one of the keys to success in sustaining overall development. KORINDO Group provides assistance in the field of education in the form of scholarships, provision of learning facilities, school buses and capacity building seminars.

Free healthcare services

02 Health.

Health issues have become one of KORINDO Group’s primary concerns and are addressed through the CSC program by providing health services and free clinics established in remote areas. This health service is intended to facilitate and encourage a healthy lifestyle as well as prevent diseases. KORINDO Group also provides health counseling through mobile doctor programs (mobile services) and provides ambulance cars and free health services such as health checks, supplementary feeding (PMT), immunization, and free medicine.

Direct business assistance

03 Economy.

To improve economic independence and public welfare, KORINDO Group provides productive business assistance such as support for the fish, poultry, and cattle livestock business, palm oil plantations, rubber, hydroponic vegetables, regional specialty drink industries and so on. This business assistance is expected to increase the income of each family, increase the pace of economic growth, and sustainable social welfare.

Environment has been proven by concrete actions

04 Environment.

In accordance with our slogan “Green Tomorrow,” KORINDO Group is always trying to preserve the environment. Our concern for the environment has been proven through concrete actions such as tree planting and routine environmental cleaning. We always collaborate and involve various elements of society including the local government, members of the military, police, religious, and customary leaders to be able to actively participate in any natural conservation activities surrounding them.

Build a harmonious and prosperous life

05 Infrastructure.

KORINDO Group is actively helping to develop infrastructure such as repairing bridges and roads, providing clean water, electricity facilities, schools, clinics, houses of worship, markets, shops, sports fields, village halls, clan chiefs’ houses as well as helping our brothers and sisters affected by the earthquake and tsunami in NTB, Central Sulawesi and Banten. This shows the commitment of KORINDO Group to build a harmonious and prosperous life for stakeholders in all related locations.